Thursday, November 29, 2007

Fall '07 Picture

This is one of Abby's school pictures that was taken at the beginning of November. She is looking more and more like a little girl. My baby has grown up!

Abby and her friends

This is picture of Abby and her friends from school at Audrey's Birthday party. All of them have been in the same class together since they were 3 months old.
From L to R: Evan, Abby, Audrey (Birthday girl), Natalie and Andrew

Random Pics

Playing in her house

Riding the Carousel with Aunt KK

Playing at church with cousin Jessica

She fell asleep eating her pudding


Cari Beth, Carson and Abby

Carson, Clint (Brandon's friend), Cari Beth and Abby

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween 2007

Abby had a great Halloween. Brandon was out of town, so Abby and I headed over to her Nana and Grandaddy's house to do some trick or treating. She definitely new something was different about this day than any other day, she got to dress up and eat candy :)